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Local information from Wanborough Parish Council.

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Village Hall

The Village Hall is situated on the High Street in Wanborough, opposite The Harrow Pub.

The address is The Village Hall, High St, Wanborough, Swindon SN4 0AD.

The capacity of the hall is around a hundred people depending on the type of function. It has a large, bright and airy hall with high ceilings and a newly laid stage, it is a very adaptable space and is hired out regularly for everything from local club meetings, exercise classes, discos, christenings, children's parties, film shows, quiz nights etc and is fitted with fixings to allow marquee hangings, which transform the interior to look like the inside of a Marquee.

It has a fully equipped kitchen which includes crockery and cutlery, dishwasher, fridge and two ovens as well as ample surface space and a serving hatch to the hall. There are plenty of tables and chairs, which are stored in a separate area next to the main hall so that you may use the hall empty if required.

The hall also has a secure, gated, patio and garden at the rear which is useful for summer functions.

You can get and idea of the size, layout and facilities in the hall by watching our 'Virtual Tour' video below and by referring to the floor plan.

Booking and availability:

Booking prices:

  • Residents £12 per hour
  • Non residents £24 per hour

How to book

Please check availability on the calendar below FIRST before sending forms to avoid disappointment.

  1. Log on to the Hallmaster calendar and press the plus sign for the date you wish to book, e.g.:
  2. Allow at least one hour between any bookings and the time you wish to book
  3. Follow the instructions on Hallmaster.
  4. Fill in the Hiring Agreement Form (which you can download from site or the lettings officer can send to you)
  5. To confirm the booking payment will be required within two weeks of your reservation via BACS - details are on the booking form.
  6. For regular bookings please contact the Lettings Officer via email
  7. Please remember that all the officer posts associated with the village hall are voluntary and as such you may not get a response immediately.

There is a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to book / fill in the forms and pay in How to Hire the Hall .

Enquiries: Email villagehall@wanborough.info

Contact number for urgent enquiries: 07823 490153

How to Hire the Hall

Hiring Agreement Form: One-Off Bookings

Hiring Agreement Form: Regular Users

CCTV Policy

See Booking Calendar Full Screen

Lettings Contact:

Karen Hawkins

Tel: 07823 490153

Email: villagehall@wanborough.info

See Booking Calendar