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Local information from Wanborough Parish Council.

Parish Council Logo
Charitable or non-commercial groups in the Wanborough area can promote their organisation and events through this site. Simply send details to info@wanborough.info

Maintenance Reports

You can use the link below to report maintenance issues to Wanborough Parish Council.
For issues which are the responsibility of Swindon Borough Council, please use the button to link to their website.

Here is a summary of the responsibilities of each body:

Wanborough Parish Council
  • Play Areas (Lower Recreation Field & Church Meadow)
  • Grass Cutting (Public open spaces - not highway verges)
  • Hedge Cutting (if owned by Parish or Borough)
  • Litter Picking
  • Litter Bin Emptying
  • Street Cleaning (using hand tools)
  • Maintenance of Footpaths & Bridleways (clearance of vegetation only)
  • Fly Tipping (up to boot size dumpings)
  • Tree Maintenance (hand tools only)
  • Graffiti Clearance
  • Weed Control
Swindon Borough Council
  • Planning
  • Highway Verges
  • Highways:
    • Potholes
    • Gullies
    • Grips (drainage channels from road into gullies)
    • Drains
  • Streetlights
  • Rubbish & Recycling Collection
  • Large Fly Tipping & Hazardous Waste

To report problems which are the Parish Council's responsibility, please use the link below:

Send to repairs@wanborough.info →

The Parish Clerk's hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. We will acknowledge your report and deal with it as soon as possible.

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