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Local information from Wanborough Parish Council.

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Financial Information (updated 01.07.24)

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) - Financial Year to 31st March 2024

  1. Internal Audit Report 2023/24

  2. AGAR Internal Auditor Report

  3. AGAR Section 1 2023-24

  4. AGAR Section 2 2023-24

  5. Exercise of Public Rights

  6. AGAR - Explanation of differences

  7. AGAR - Reconciliation between box 7 and box 8

Financial Reports 2022/23 are Here →

2024-2025 Budget

Download Budget Here

Insurance£ 1,815.75
Subscriptions£ 1,000.00
Audit Fee£ 1,000.00
Legal & Professional fees£ 2,000.00
Election Fees£ 3,000.00
Stationery & Postage£ 1,234.65
Parish Council Web Site£ 800.00
Parish Newsletter£ 2,520.00
VH room hire£ 400.00
V.Hall rent to Church£ 450.00
V Hall Wifi£ 268.25
Staffing Costs£ 48,291.17
Clerk & Asst Clerk Expenses£ 700.00
Clerk & Asst Clerk Training£ 1,000.00
Asst Clerk Office Equipment-
Parish Councillors' Allowances£ 2,859.00
TOTALS£ 67,338.82
Common Land and Recreation Field
Village Grass Cutting£ 10,000.00
Waste Collection (including fly-tipping)£ 3,675.00
Village Tree works£ 2,000.00
Village Handyperson£ 10,582.00
Village General Maintenance inc footpaths£ 6,000.00
Village - Equipment£ 500.00
Play Equipment Maintenance£ 1,000.00
TOTALS£ 33,757.00
Allotment water supply£ 620.00
Allotment rent£ 285.00
Allotment maintenance£ 500.00
TOTALS£ 1,405.00
Grants and Transfers
Grants & S137 payments£ 1,500.00
Grant - Churchyard£ 1,500.00
Grant - Village Hall£ 600.00
George Gibbs Memorial - Wan Prim School£ 300.00
TOTALS£ 3,900.00
Hooper's Field£ 14,500.00
Total expenditure minus capital projects£ 120,900.82
Capital Costs/Projects
Play Equipment (allocated sum to build up reserve)£ 5,000.00
Website£ 3,000.00
Hoopers Upgrades£ 9,000.00
Bowls Match fund£ 2,400.00
Totals£ 19,400.00
Total expenditure£ 140,300.82
Precept£ 137,272.86
CTS Grant£ 1,278.00
Bank Interest£ 400.00
Allotment Rent£ 1,350.00
Total Income£ 140,300.86

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