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Local information from Wanborough Parish Council.

Parish Council Logo
Charitable or non-commercial groups in the Wanborough area can promote their organisation and events through this site. Simply send details to info@wanborough.info

Hooper's Field

Hooper's Field was opened in 1998 and provides an excellent sports facility for residents in the Parish.

Minutes of Management Committee.

Hooper's Field Sports Facility - Expansion Plans

See the final plans here

If you would like to join one of the clubs that currently run at this facility then please see the contact details shown below.

Wanborough Bowls Club
Mr Geoff Sanders
Mags Sanders - 01793 614861
email: info@wanboroughbowlsclub.co.uk
Wanborough Cricket Club
Andy Clinning
Andy Thompson 01793 852623
email: Andrew.thompson12@virginmedia.com
Wanborough Football Club
Chairman Paul Carter
email: paulcarter4@aol.com
Wanborough Tennis Club
Secretary Melanie Brough
tel 01793 741277
email melaniebrough2@gmail.com
Membership Secretary Anica Alvarez Nishio
Pavilion Hire

Hooper's Field Sports Pavilion is available to hire subject to availability. The cost of hiring the pavilion is £12 per hour. If you would like to hire the facility please contact Parish Clerk, contact details:

Wanborough Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Telephone: 07588 769829

e-mail: clerk@wanborough.info>

view of Hopper's Field
Hooper's Field Sign
Hooper's Field Pavilion
Bowls match