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Local information from Wanborough Parish Council.

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New Waste and Recycling Arrangements

SBC are now collecting food waste from households throughout Swindon to increase recycling and improve the environmental impact.

Recycling and Waste Management are the responsibility of Swindon Borough Council and all queries should be addressed to them.

Full details and answers to many questions can be found in SBC's Binfo Page

However, here is a summary:

There are 2 types of collection on alternate weeks:

  • General & Food Waste
  • Recycling & Food Waste

NOTE: Green Waste will continue to be collected on the existing schedule

General & Food Waste

Put out these bins only:

  • rubbish ('wheelie') bin
  • large outdoor food waste bin

Recycling & Food Waste

Put out these bins only:

  • recycling boxes (paper / card / glass)
  • weighted recycling bag (plastic & metal - tins etc.)
  • large outdoor food waste bin

Please put:

  • General waste in your existing black wheelie bin
  • Paper and card recycling in one of your existing recycling boxes
  • Glass recycling in one of your existing recycling boxes
  • Plastic and metal recycling in NEW weighted bag
  • Food waste in NEW large outdoor food waste bin

Some key points regarding plastics:

  • Any plastic recycling placed in a single-use, plastic bag, cannot be collected. Currently crews are having to split the bags by hand as they can no longer be processed as they were previously. If you haven't had your bagged plastic collected, please take it out of the bag and place it loose into your weighted reusable blue bag or another sturdy container
  • We still cannot recycle flexible plastics. Flexible plastics are ones that can be scrunched in your hand, for example bags used for salads/veg, crisp packets and clingfilm. So please place these in your general waste or take to your local supermarket for recycling

If you're unsure if something can be recycled, or which container an item should be placed in, you can search it in a look-up tool: Waste Wizard.

You can find all the information about the recent service changes, report a missed container delivery and find your new collection day by reading Our FAQs.

Collection Dates

You can check your collection day here...

These are also be on the Future Events Calendar found on the Home page of Wanborough.info

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