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Scarecrow Trail 2024

The theme was Fairytales and Fables and was raising money for Wanborough Primary School PTA and Brighter Futures (50% each).

We were thrilled to see so many families out and about in Wanborough.

The final calculations have been made and we are very pleased to announce that the total amount raised is


so £1,310 will be donated to each of our two charities. Here are some members of the organising team making the presentation to Brighter Futures at GWH.

This year we sold 611 trail sheets. Multiplying this to account for groups and families, at least 2000 people took part!

We would like to thank everyone who has made or hosted a scarecrow; we really appreciate your support. Also big thanks to all the helpers who sold trail sheets and refreshments at the Village Hall and Wanborough School, over the three weekends.
The pubs in the High Street also supported us with trail sheet sales.
The Plough Inn (www.theplough.info)
The Harrow Inn (www.harrowinnswindon.co.uk)
and The Brewers Arms (www.brewers-arms.co.uk)

We would also like to thank all our sponsors who have kindly agreed to cover the cost of all our prizes, which means all the money raised for the event will go to our two charities.

The Winners:

Out of all the trail sheets that were returned, there were only 4 who got all the answers correct!

The four were all put into a draw and Wanborough Beavers chose the first 3 at their meeting on Tuesday evening.

Thank you to our sponsors for providing prizes as follows:

1st prize: £150 Amazon Voucher
Nationwide Property Lettings (www.nationwidepropertylettings.com)

Richard Oliver - Wanborough

2nd prize: £100 Amazon Voucher Richard James Estate Agents (www.richardjames.uk)

Neil Cooper - Swindon

3rd prize: £50 Marks & Spencer's Voucher
South West Mortgages (www.sw-mortgages.co.uk)

Charlotte Griffiths - Wanborough

Children's activity sheet & competition
Sponsored by House (Estate Agents)

Harry Booker

Favourite Scarecrow prize: £50 Hobbycraft vouchers
Barrett Accounting & Tax Services (www.barrett-ats.co.uk)

Puss in Boots: number 19

Answers here...

Thank you from:
Natasha, Natalie, Angela and Mark

The Answers

1. Jack and The Beanstalk

2. The Lion and the Mouse

3. The Fox and The Grapes

4. The Hare and The Tortoise

5. The Magic Porridge Pot

6. The Emperor's New Clothes

7. Thumbelina

8. Rumplestiltskin

9. Sleeping Beauty

10. Peter Rabbit

11. Rapunzel

12. Snow Queen

13. Tom Thumb

14. Selfish Giant

15. Three Little Pigs

16. Jungle Book

17. Goldilocks

18. Ali Baba

19. Puss in Boots

20. 6 Swans

21. The Secret Garden

22. Dick Whittington

23. Town Mouse & Country Mouse

24. The Fox & The Stork

25. Pinnochio

26. Pied Piper

27. The Frog & The Princess

28. Snow White

29. Robin Hood

30. The Nutcracker

31. Spirited (Spirited Away & No Face also accepted)

32. Hansel & Gretal

33. Ugly Duckling

34. Cinderella

35. The Gingerbread Man

36. Alice in Wonderland

37. The Princess & The Pea

38. The Frog Prince

39. The Elves & The Shoemaker

40. The Wizard of Oz

41. Baba Yaga

42. Chicken Licken

43. Little Mermaid

44. Peter Pan

45. Beauty & The Beast

46. Little Red Riding Hood

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