Wanborough Dot Info logo

Local information from Wanborough Parish Council.

Parish Council Logo
Charitable or non-commercial groups in the Wanborough area can promote their organisation and events through this site. Simply send details to info@wanborough.info

Site last updated 11.07.24

Contact Wanborough Parish Council at
The Parish Clerk's hours are Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 5.15pm. Friday 8.30am to 12.30pm.

Welcome to the Wanborough Parish Website

Wanborough.Info is supported by Wanborough Parish Council, to provide information about the parish. You'll find the agenda, minutes of parish council meetings, contact details and council policies. You'll also find other interesting information about the community, local organisations, amenities, events and useful contacts.

Parish News
  • Wanborough Parish Council

    Vacancies for Parish Councillors

    Wanborough Parish Council has 2 vacant seats for Parish Councillors and now wish to Co-opt 2 people onto the council.

    Full Details

  • Wanborough Parish Council

    Full Council and Committee Meeting Dates 2024-25

    1. Agenda: Hooper's Field Sports Facility Committee July 17th
      7.00pm at Hooper's Field
    2. DRAFT Minutes: Full Council Meeting 24th June

  • Wanborough Parish Council

    Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) - Financial Year to 31st March 2024

    Full Details

  • Farmers' Market

    The next Wanborough Farmers' Market will be on the 20th July. We look forward to welcoming you to Wanborough Village Hall, 9am to midday.

    More Here

    Ken's Fish

    Ken is outside the Village Hall Thursdays 2-3pm.

  • Park Yoga

    Park Yoga

    Free Outdoor Yoga Sessions every Sunday, until 15th September, 9.30 to 10.30, at Hooper's Field.

    More here

  • Wanborough Parish Council

    Who does what?

    Your guide to the responsibilities of Wanborough Parish Council and Swindon Borough Council.

    Full details here

  • Lyden Magazine

    Lyden Masthead

    The Lyden Magazine has news and events for the villages of Wanborough and Liddington as well as information from the Parish Councils, the Ward Councillor and the United Benefice of Wanborough, Liddington, Hinton Parva and Bishopstone.

    It is delivered free to all Wanborough residents or can be sent electronically. Postal subscriptions are also available.

    There is an archive of old editions back to 2019 available.

    More here