The Wanborough Trail Maps - Blue Route

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blue route
Start at Hooper's Field

  1. Leave Hooper's Field via the footpath to Rotten Row, turn right and walk along Rotten Row as far as the left-hand bend joining Kite Hill
  2. Turn right, pass through the right-hand gateway, following the bridleway, walk along Green Lane then pass through the gateway to the road, where The Marsh becomes Burycroft
  3. Turn right, walk along Burycroft, past The Cross Keys, to the cross road junction with Horpit, Wanborough Road and the High Street
  4. Turn right, walk along the High Street passing The Brewers Arms
    • Optional shorter route – turn right at the roundabout, onto Rotten Row, return to Hooper's Field
  5. Continue to walk along High Street, crossing at The Harrow to the Village Hall, pass Box Hedge, to The Plough on the left and Chapel Lane on the right
  6. Turn right, walk along Chapel Lane to the footpath opposite The Old Chapel
  7. Turn right, walk along the footpath past the Lower Rec, to The Beanlands
  8. Turn right, walk along The Beanlands to Stanley Close
    • Optional extension – join the Red Route at point 7
  9. Turn right, follow the public footpath, signposted to "Hooper's Field", past Wanborough Primary School to Magdalen Road
  10. Cross Magdalen Road, follow the public footpath, signposted to Hooper's Field, to Rotten Row, cross Rotten Row and return to Hooper's Field