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Start at Hooper's Field
- Leave Hooper's Field via the footpath to Rotten Row, turn right and walk along Rotten Row as far as the left-hand bend joining Kite Hill
- Turn right, pass through the right-hand gateway, following the bridleway, walk along Green Lane then pass through the gateway to the road, where The Marsh becomes Burycroft
- Turn right, walk along Burycroft, past The Cross Keys, to the cross road junction with Horpit, Wanborough Road and the High Street
- Turn right, walk along the High Street passing The Brewers Arms
- Optional shorter route – turn right at the roundabout, onto Rotten Row, return to Hooper's Field
- Continue to walk along High Street, crossing at The Harrow to the Village Hall, pass Box Hedge, to The Plough on the left and Chapel Lane on the right
- Turn right, walk along Chapel Lane to the footpath opposite The Old Chapel
- Turn right, walk along the footpath past the Lower Rec, to The Beanlands
- Turn right, walk along The Beanlands to Stanley Close
- Optional extension – join the Red Route at point 7
- Turn right, follow the public footpath, signposted to "Hooper's Field", past Wanborough Primary School to Magdalen Road
- Cross Magdalen Road, follow the public footpath, signposted to Hooper's Field, to Rotten Row, cross Rotten Row and return to Hooper's Field