Scarecrow Trail 2014 Details HERE...
Thank you to everybody who helped organise, setup and run the Wanborough May Day Fayre and Scarecrow Trail 2013. The weather was so much better than last year and bought a bumper crop of visitors to Wanborough over the May Day weekend. We raised an amazing profit of £9,469 (last year £4,180). Monies raised will go to the Wanborough Village Hall Fund.
There were 60 scarecrows made by local families and the Primary School; we sold 697 trail sheets and 198 children’s activity sheets (512 and 105 respectively last year). The trail refreshment sales were considerably up on last year so overall we made a profit from the scarecrow trail of £2,007 (last year £1,359). Thanks again to all of you who supported this event including our five main sponsors: Nationwide Property Lettings, Barretts Accounting, Wanborough Herb Nursery, Bevirs Solicitors and the Oaktree Building Company.
The winners and answers to the scarecrow trail are as follows:
- 1st prize of £100 M&S vouchers (donated by Nationwide Property Lettings): The Loxley Family, London
- 2nd prize of £50 WHSmith vouchers (donated by Barretts Accounting): Ashleigh James, Wanborough
- 3rd prize of £25 Wanborough Herb Nursery vouchers: The Raymond Family, Wanborough
The May Day Fayre was so well attended that we had some parking issues in the village (which will be reviewed in the event wash-up). The lower recreation crowd and village hall was full of families enjoying the sunshine and an opportunity to participate in a traditional fayre. Thank you to the dozens of families who helped to setup / dismantle and man the stalls – the Fayre really would not happen without the contribution of villagers and scout families doing their 2 hour stints on the stalls. We made a profit from the Fayre of £7,228 (last year £2,518). The raffle raised a final profit of £233 (last year £290) so all in all a fantastic year, thanks again to everyone who made a contribution.